Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Sutra on the Merit of Bathing the Buddha

 "All phenomena arise from conditions. The Tathágata has taught that this is due to the cause, [based] on which all conditioned dharmas end. This has been explained by the Great Sramana.”





During the teachings of dependent arising, having guided Susima to examine each phase of the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising, the Buddha then said to Susima, “This is what I refer to by ‘One must understand the origin of the Dharma before being able to comprehend Nirvana.”

Among many others in the sutras, we often see quotes stating, "All phenomena arise from conditions. The Tathágata distinctly taught that this is due to the [existence of] cause [the origin of the Dharma], on which all conditioned dharmas end.” The Buddha clearly conveyed to His disciples that all conditioned dharmas are dependent arising and will end, and the original cause of all dharmas is thus the subject matter. 

#Buddha #Buddhism #dharma #causeandcondition #dependentarising #nirvana #twelvelinksofdependentarising 

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