Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Bodhi Mind


“Eradication is bodhi due to the renunciation of all views.”

Vimalakīrti Nirdesa Sutra, Vol. 4


 維摩詰所說經 菩薩品 第四


Our minds constantly attach to and generate different views that could lead to disputes. As a result, many brahmans and sramanas got caught up with various non-Buddhist views during their monastic cultivations. The Buddha had already elaborated on these views in many sutras, including the sixty-two or ninety-six types of non-Buddhist views described in the Agama sutras. The Buddha listed such non-Buddhist views and refuted their erroneous interpretations to prevent practitioners from being misled by them. However, the Buddha and some revered bodhisattvas sometimes propound the notion that practitioners must be relegated to the outskirts of the Cakravāḍa (ring of metallic mountains) if their minds generate any view of the Buddha Dharma.

It seems from the foregoing that neither the actual Dharma views nor the non-Buddhist views are allowed in our minds. What then is the “True Mind”?  The enlightened mind that could bring forth the dharma of liberation or dharma thoughts is in fact the illusive mind giving rise to our views and thoughts and corresponding to the mental state of the non-Buddhist belief of eternalism.  Thus, we should be relegated to the outskirts of the Cakravāḍa. Therefore, the objective of the Buddhist realization/enlightenment cannot be focused on the conscious mind, not even on the slightest trace of it. This is because “views” are products only of the conscious mind and not of the tathagatagarbha, and the various opinions and views on dharma do not correspond with the true bodhi mind. We should not fall for these dharma views or become entangled with any state of the conscious mind. When Master Vimalakirti said that we should eradicate all views, he meant that the true bodhi mind (bodhicitta) is the mind that perpetually abandons and transcends all views. This is what the phrase “eradication is bodhi” means. 

Therefore, the correct practice of the Buddha Dharma after the realization of the True Mind should stem from a full grasp of the correct views of the Buddha Dharma and should come with the ability to align oneself with the tathagatagarbha mind, abandoning all views and not being attached to any dharma.

#Buddha #bodhi #bodhicitta #enlightenment #truemind #tathagatagarbha #agamasutra

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