Sunday, April 18, 2021

What exactly does transmigration within cyclic existence mean?


Buddhist teachings actually apply to the daily lives of each and every sentient being provided that one should possess the correct knowledge of the Dharma.

     In Buddhist teachings, all existence (beings) can be categorized into the desire realm, the form realm, and the formless realm. The desire realm, where we currently reside, consists of six paths: (1) desire heaven, (2) mankind, (3) asuras, (4) animals, (5) hungry spirits, and (6) hell.

     We are predominantly dominated by desires, thus aptly named inhabitants of the desire realm. In general, each sentient being’s mindset is mainly subjected to the need for food, sex, and sleep. During our transmigration of existence, we do not always return as humans but might exist as heavenly beings, animals or even ghosts in our future lifetimes. That is why Buddhist precepts were established in order to ensure a decent rebirth to become a human being in the future lifetime.

    The Buddha told many stories in the sutras about his countless past lives as a heavenly being or as an animal, and he constantly sought the ultimate truth via cultivation.

     Being a human being is ideal for cultivating Buddhahood, and as you progress further along this path in the future, you will naturally find out why.

#Buddha #Buddhism #transmigration #Buddhahood

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