Thursday, July 29, 2021

Dirgha Agama (Long Agama), Vol. 1

"'Hence they are unable to know and understand the profound cause and conditions of this Dharma. Yet, it is multiple times harder to know the way to realize nirvana is by total extinguishment of all attachments. They would not understand this Dharma even if I am to explain further, and my discourse will only bring them annoyance and disturbance.' After having this thought, the Buddha remained silent and preached the Dharma no more."' 
Dirgha Agama (Long Agama), Vol. 1 

The Dharma of nirvana is extremely difficult to expound as it runs counter to both mundane wisdom and desires; therefore, very few people believe in the Dharma of nirvana, let alone even realizing it. However, many Buddhist practitioners seek to enter nirvana – a stateless state without birth and death with their vijnana-aggregates[skandhas] and not knowing that vijnana-aggregates are arising-and-ceasing dharmas of an illusory nature. Practitioners who attempt to abide in a state of neither birth nor death with the illusory dharma of five aggregates are unaware of the Buddha’s words. They will inflict “annoyance and disturbances" on themselves as they can never enter nirvana without “total extinguishment of all attachments.”


#Buddha #Buddhism #nirvana #dharma #vijnanaaggregates #skandhas 

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