“When the bodhisattva practices giving, he
contemplates two fields: the field of merits and the field of poverty”
「菩薩施時觀二種田:一者福田、二貧窮田。」 《優婆塞戒經》 卷二
There are two types of “fields of
merits”: the rich field of merits and the poor one. Wise bodhisattvas can
distinguish between the two fields of merits when they practice almsgiving.
The difference between the two fields lies in the future yield of merits that the
benefactor will receive, just as seeds planted in a fertile field will yield a
more bountiful crop than seeds planted in a field with poor soil. For example,
if seeds are planted in an unfertilized gravel field, no matter how much water
is sprinkled on them, very little rice will grow, but if seeds are
planted in a fertilized field, the opposite will happen. That is, the rich
field of merits will provide cultivators with better rewards in the future.
Therefore, differentiating the relationship between almsgiving and retribution, and being able to select the cultivation field wisely will accelerate bodhisattva practitioners in attaining Buddhahood.
#Buddha #fieldofmerits #almsgiving
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