Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Diamond Sutra, Vol. 1


 “… Subhūti, how should one teach it to others?

Without grasping signs and by staying with things as they are, immovable

Why is that so?

All conditioned phenomena

Are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow

Like the dew, or like lightning

You should contemplate them like this.”

Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra,Vol. 1




 Why would a truly enlightened mentor not grasp signs and appearances, and why would his mind remain in unstirred, immovable suchness when he propagates the Dharma of the tathāgatagarbha? It is because he already aligns his mind with this sutra, that which is the tathagatagarbha, that mind described in the Heart Sutra. After aligning his mind with this sutra, the mentor sees from the perspective of the tathāgatagarbha: that all conditioned dharmas are essentially like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, or a shadow, like a drop of dew or a flash of lightning. In fact, “this sutra” truly permanently exists, and it never demands anything from sentient beings.

#tathagatagarbha #Buddha #Buddhism #diamondsutra #heartsutra #dharma 

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