Friday, July 8, 2022

This Dharma Remains Permanently In Force and Abides In the Dharma Realm


“What is the condition-arisen dharma? It refers to the notions of ignorance and formation. Regardless of whether a Buddha appears in the world or not, this dharma remains permanently in force and abides in the dharma realm.”  Saṃyukta Āgama, Vol. 12



The Buddha taught that whether there is a Tathagata born in the human realm to preach and disclose this dharma of the Truth or there is none, this dharma inherently and permanently exists. That is, this dharma abides in and remains in force among all dharmas, which means that it works in unison with all other dharmas. Due to the permanently existing dharma, the tathagatagarbha, that which brings forth all the dharmas in the phenomenal world, the conditioned-arisen dharma also permanently exists in the secular world. Thus, the existent dependent-arisen dharma that arises and ceases is based on the permanent existence of the tathagatagarbha. For the enlightened Mahayana practitioners, the truly existent tathagatagarbha can be realized and observed by their wisdom-eye.

In essence, the illustrations of the middle-way nature and the nirvanic nature of this True Mind rely on all phenomena within the three realms throughout the Buddha’s teachings. These teachings enable all Buddhist disciples to know that all mundane and transmundane dharmas are brought forth and manifested by the True Mind. Its entity self is pure and is detached from and transcends all wholesome and unwholesome dharmas.

#Buddha #Buddhism #Tathagata #tathagatagarbha #enlightenment 

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